About Patrick

State Representative Patrick Windhorst is a southern Illinois native and was elected to his third term in 2022, serving Illinois' 117th District.
Patrick Windhorst ran for state representative to chart a new course for Illinois, away from the failed policies and politics of the past to one looking toward the future. Future generations should not be saddled with the burdens forced upon them by career politicians and the political machine who have ruled Illinois for far too long. He is a conservative voice looking to set a new direction for Illinois, favoring taxpayers instead of the politically connected.
Presently, he serves on Appropriations – Human Services, Ethics and Elections, Judiciary – Civil, Judiciary – Criminal, Restorative Justice, and Sentencing, Penalties, and Criminal committees. Through these committee assignments, Patrick advocates for conservative principles to uphold the rule of law, protect Second Amendment rights, and strengthen the state’s ethics laws.
Patrick Windhorst stands firm against Defund the Police efforts because he understands the value law enforcement plays in promoting and protecting public safety across our communities. In addition, he opposed liberals’ police reform legislation, which undermined law enforcement and made communities less safe. For his support of the police, Patrick received the Public Official of the Year award by the Illinois Association of Chiefs of Police.
Before his election to the Illinois General Assembly, Patrick served as the Massac County State’s Attorney. He prioritized efforts to protect the community by putting violent criminals and drug dealers behind bars.
Patrick attended Massac County High School before going to Shawnee Community College. He received his undergraduate degree at the University of Illinois, and graduated law school at SIU.
Patrick lives in Metropolis with his wife Holly and their two children. In his local church, Patrick serves as a Deacon and is an active Rotary Club member, while Holly is the Executive Director of the Massac County Drug Awareness Coalition. He is also a member of the Illinois State Bar Association, the Metropolis Rotary Club, the Shawnee College Foundation Board, the Metropolis Chamber of Commerce, and the Massac County Drug Awareness Coalition.

Businesses are closing, our schools are underfunded, and the next generation is looking at a future dimmer than our own. Career politicians have let us down. We’re getting taxed out of our own homes and folks can’t find good-paying jobs that support a family.
This is our reality – but it doesn’t have to be our future.
Conservative Values
Patrick is a family man and a strong Christian who lives his faith each and every day. He believes in protecting the life of the unborn and is a strong supporter of the second amendment.
Less Spending
Every family knows that you cannot spend more than you take in. Why doesn’t Springfield learn a lesson from us? Patrick Windhorst will fight for less spending and will never vote for an unbalanced budget – ever.
Lower Taxes
The average taxpayer in Illinois is getting crushed, and yet, the state doesn’t pay its bills. State government is over $200 billion in pension debt, but the politicians keep coming back for more of your money. We must stop this cycle.
More Jobs
Illinois must be competitive with surrounding states by becoming more business friendly. Cutting burdensome regulations, reforming our worker’s compensation system, and creating a comprehensive economic development strategy for our region is the only way to improve Illinois’ economy.
Public Safety
Our law enforcement community put their lives on the line to protect us, and we must provide them the resources and support necessary to do their jobs without interference. Patrick will enact laws that improve public safety and support our law enforcement officials at all levels.
School Funding
As a product of public schools and a graduate of SIU, Patrick will work to make sure the state is meeting its funding obligations to our schools and that our children have the same opportunities as children throughout the state.
Term Limits
Public office should be a service – not a career. Cronyism and corruption are rampant in Springfield. We need new blood, new ideas, and new energy. Patrick will vote to enact Term Limits on all legislators and state constitutional offices in Illinois.